A feuding nation, only the promise of recovering the Friedestone can bring peace to mankind. But are you brave enough to take on the challenge.

Submission for Brackeys Game Jam 2022.1

Best played with a controller, button prompts are dotted around in-game, but keyboard support is there, controls below:

A/D - Move player

Space/Enter - Jump/Interact and Attack.


You can play in the browser, just click the play button up top.

There are also windows and linux builds available to download. I've tested the windows version and all seems well. Haven't tested the linux build and for some reason couldn't get a mac version to export so apologies.

I'll be doing a post-mortem of what went right and wrong over on my website, but would love to hear your feedback.


Fonts used are from the following:

Rainy Hearts | Olde English

All other art, music and code produced by myself.


friedestone-v1.exe 53 MB
friedestone-v1.x86_64 55 MB


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nice game Keep it up